Game Fish

Large Mouth Bass - 3-4” $1.75, 4-6” $2.75, 6-8” $4.50


largemouth bass

The Large Mouth bass is the best known and most popular game fish in North America. Large Mouth bass spawn in spring, when males fan out a bed and then protect the eggs and fry. The baby fish eat zooplankton (microscopic animals that drift in the water column), and when about an inch long begin eating other small fish. Adults eat a wide variety of fish, crustaceans and larger insects.

Triploid Grass Carp - 10-12” $17.00, 12-15” $19.00 (Permit Required) Permits can be found at the bottom of the page.

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triploid grass carp

Triploid grass carp are a natural management strategy for aquatic plants in your pond. Grass carp rely almost entirely on aquatic plants for their diet. These are a must have to clean up unwanted and excessive weed growth in your pond.

Bluegill - 2-4” $1.00, 4-6” $1.75, 6-8” $3.25



Bluegill fishing is very popular because the fish bite year round and fishing for bluegill with young children can be an excellent way of getting kids hooked on the sport.

Yellow Perch - 4-5” $2.25, 5-7” $3.25, 7-10” $6.00

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yellow perch

Yellow perch can live for up to 11 years and reach sexual maturity by three years of age. Spawning occurs in spring during which time females deposit up to 40,000 eggs in gelatinous strings over weeds, roots, fallen trees and other vegetation in the shallows. Females have the potential to spawn up to eight times in their lifetimes. Most spawning takes place at night or in early morning. After fertilization, the eggs hatch in 11 to 27 days, depending on temperature. The young tiny fish school live along the shore for about a month. As they mature, the gregarious yellow perch begin to gather in large schools, preferring relatively shallow waters near shore.

Spotted Silver Channel Catfish - 4-6” $1.50, 6-8” $3.00, 8-10 $6.00


spotted silver channel catfish

The channel catfish, like other catfish, has no scales, a single bony spine in each pectoral fin and the dorsal fin, and 8 barbels around the mouth. Fingerlings are usually more silver in color and often have many black spots on their sides. This sport fish typically weighs in at 2-10 pounds, but can reach up to 37 pounds. On average, it measures 15-25 inches in length, but it can get to over 40 inches.

Black Crappies - 3-5” $2.50

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Black crappies

The average length for black crappie is 10.8 inches. Crappie are found in lakes, ponds, and streams. Crappie prefer cover, such as such as vegetation, fallen trees or boulders. They often form schools in clear water among vegetation over mud or sand.

Bullfrog Tadpoles - $1.00 Each/ $10.00 A dozen

Japanese Trapdoor Snails - $1.00 Each/ $10.00 A dozen

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Japanese trapdoor snails

Japanese Trapdoor Snails are very tranquil, non-aggressive soft algae eaters. In addition, Japanese Trapdoor Snails will spend hours on end scouring for uneaten food as well as other edible material. They are a must have for every pond.

Freshwater Clams - Currently Unavailable


freshwater clams

Freshwater Clams are peaceful, friendly and non-aggressive filter feeders. Their filter feeding helps remove debris from water and increase water quality.

Bait Fish

Fathead Minnows - $2.50 a dozen, $17.00/lb


fathead minnows

Fathead minnows are not only good live bait, but are also beneficial in providing food in newly stocked bass-bluegill ponds. These minnows begin spawning during the early spring, often several months before the bluegill spawn and provide a valuable food source for small bass fingerlings. Fatheads can actually increase the growth rate of bass during their first year of life. Mature females may spawn weekly, depositing 200 to 500 eggs per spawn. Some females may lay up to 4,000 eggs per season. Spawning typically begins when water temperatures reach 60 to 65 F and may continue until the temps exceed 85 F. This will include the spring and most of the summers, with the exception of the very hottest part of July and August, and then into the early fall. Fry can mature and spawn within 4 to 8 weeks of hatching.

Golden Shiners - $4.00 a dozen, $18.00/lb

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golden shiners

The golden shiner is the most common baitfish sold in the United States. The golden shiner is relatively hardy and thus is popular both as a culture and a bait species. Juvenile and adult golden shiners feed primarily on zooplankton and aquatic insects, while the newly hatched fry (baby fish) are omnivorous. Golden shiners readily accept commercial fish feeds, and catfish feed is a close match to their dietary requirements. Reproduction begins in the spring when the water temperature reaches 68ºF and continues for several months until the water temperature exceeds 81ºF. A pound of golden shiners may produce over one-half million eggs in a season. Golden shiners are broadcast spawners that lay adhesive eggs on submersed vegetation. The small eggs hatch in three to five days, depending on water temperature.

Rosey Red Minnows - $3.00 a dozen, $18.00/lb

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rosey red minnows

Rosey Red Minnows can live in many types of water from mildly soft water to very hard water and a pH range of 7 to 8. These fish prefer a temperature of 50 – 78 °F. Rosy red minnows are opportunistic omnivores and they eat all sorts of foods and in the wild they take algae, plankton and small insects. It is commonly preyed upon by fish such as yellow perch, largemouth bass, bluegill, and walleye. They spawn similarly to Fatheads Minnows, but they can live up to 4 years.

Note: Availability is always subject to change as we do not stock all types of fish at all times. Please call ahead so we can be sure we have what you’re looking for.


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